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When Can a Baby Sit Front Facing in a Stroller

Babies develop at a fast pace and are constantly learning and growing day by day. Throughout their entire childhood, they will absorb information on everything that they see, touch, smell and hear.
As your child grows, front-facing strollers can be great for your child's development as they can comfortably interact and explore the features of the world around them.
Today's blog is all about exactly when a baby can sit front-facing in a stroller, at what age, and at what stage a front-facing pushchair is suitable for them.
Front-Facing Strollers
It is recommended that when your baby reaches the ages of 9-12 months you consider transitioning them to a front-facing stroller. Providing that they can maintain steady neck and head control on their own.
Front-facing strollers are ideal for babies who are starting to take in the world around them and are old enough to take notice of their surroundings and find them interesting as you explore the world together.
They are also good for babies once you do not need to keep an eye on them and tend to their needs all of the time.
Parent-Facing Strollers
Rear-facing strollers allow parents to keep a close eye on their baby. It can be reassuring for new mums and dads to be able to see their little ones and tend to their every need.
Parent-facing strollers can also be beneficial for young babies, as seeing a familiar face and being able to give your baby reassuring eye contact, a familiar voice, and a smiley face can help them relax, feel safe, and even save them from tears in some cases.
Facial expressions and talking to your baby are crucial for a baby's development, even though they may be too young to respond to their parents. It is common for parents to prefer to speak to their baby when facing them, as they will find it a lot easier to engage.
The Benefits of Front-Facing Strollers
Front-facing strollers can offer many benefits for your baby as they develop and can be an exciting milestone for your baby. Let's take a look into some of the benefits.
Better View
For the curious toddler, front-facing strollers are an all-around better choice as they continue to develop and discover new things in the world. They can see what is happening around them, and this will help them in the developmental stage.
Your child’s ability to see their environment means that they are more likely to feel secure as they know what is going on around them, which will help them enjoy your activities together.
They Get to See Other People
With front-facing strollers, babies will be able to interact with other people more naturally. Most babies are curious and being able to see different faces will help your baby to develop social skills.
More Storage Room
With your baby facing forward, it allows you to store more things in the underneath compartment of your stroller as well as hang things off the back of it.
You can make use of stroller accessories such as stroller bag clips or a stroller bag, making it handy.
The Benefits of Parent-Facing Strollers
Although there are benefits to a front facing pushchair, there are also lots of benefits to a parent facing stroller. Especially in the earlier stages with a newborn.
A parent-facing stroller is the perfect solution for keeping a close eye on your little one. Let's take a further look into the benefits.
Keep an Eye on Your Baby More Easily
You can keep an eye on your baby or toddler a lot easier with parent-facing strollers.
As a new parent or with a new baby, it might be better for you to keep your mind at ease and know that your baby is okay and you can have direct eye contact at any point.
Peace of Mind
Parent-facing strollers give you peace of mind that your baby is okay because you can see them directly in your line of sight whenever you are on your travels.
Tend to your baby whenever they need something. You can spot immediately when your baby is about to cry and tend to them more quickly.
Whether they need feeding, changing, or their body temperature needs to be altered. Parent-facing strollers are great for helping you prevent tears.
When Can a Baby Sit Front-Facing in a Stroller?
A baby can sit in a front-facing stroller when they have developed enough to physically sit in an upright position and support their head and neck with their muscles and themselves comfortably.
This is a good indicator that they are ready to be forward-facing instead of parent-facing.
Another key factor that shows that your baby or toddler is ready for a front-facing adventure is if they are curious about the world around them and are old enough to be looking around and taking their surroundings in.
As newborns, they have not yet developed the skills or curiosity to take in their surroundings, in which case the directions that they face would not matter.
Forward-facing strollers are frequently designed to accommodate infants and toddlers sitting upright in their pushchair seats - and because newborns are growing quickly, being laid out allows them to develop and grow best.
As a general rule and rough guide, infants can sit front-facing starting around 9 months depending on your baby's individual developmental milestones. Some infants may start at 9 and some may start at 12.
There is therefore no right or wrong time to transition your baby to a forward-facing stroller.
The development of your baby's gross motor skills also plays a part in when they will be ready. But how do you know if your baby's physical development is on track? Let's look at a few examples,
- 0-2 months, babies have very little head control and may be able to hold their head for a second or two during tummy time.
- 2-3 months, babies will start to gradually increase the amount of time they can hold their head.
- 4 months, the 4-month mark is when your baby will begin to make the most progress.
- 6 months, your baby should be able to hold their head up by themselves now, or be showing signs that they almost can.
Front Facing Strollers Here at The Lejoux Stroller
Here at The Lejoux Stroller, we have a range of prams and strollers that are front-facing and parent-facing. We have strollers suitable for babies aged 0-4 years old.
If you are looking for your next travel device for your baby and need one to be suitable for everyday use as well as lightweight, durable, and travel-friendly, then Lejoux has you covered.
Our foldable, lightweight and travel-friendly strollers come in an impressive seven colours to choose from. They fold down at just the touch of a button, and this is easily achievable with just one hand.
Your stroller can be folded away to an extremely compact size, ideal for fitting into tight spaces such as small cars or aircraft cabin lockers. Re-erect your stroller again within seconds and continue your adventures as a family stress-free and hassle-free.
We have carefully designed our strollers with convenience in mind, not only do our strollers come with a long list of features and benefits, it is also super affordable. This is because we want parents everywhere to experience a smooth and seamless ride without breaking the bank.
Be sure to check out the range of strollers that we have on our website, as well as the amazing stroller accessories that you can buy. These can be purchased as add-ons for your stroller, tailoring your stroller device to meet the needs of your little one and your family.
If you need any questions answered or any further support whilst trying to choose your perfect stroller, then don't hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to guide you through a smooth pram shopping experience.